
Showing posts from December, 2017


For our last project we had to use photoshop to create a 30 second video. it was very hectic and difficult to work with but overall was fun to use the tablet and pen.


The restoration project was by far my favorite project to work on. I was able to make the photo of my grandfather look 10x better. I really enjoyed working in photoshop a lot, it was a lot easier then i thought it would be. I love how the dodge and burn tool make the wall and accents on his jacket and face stand out so much more and redefined and shadowed his whole body. I truly loved doing this project, and it came out amazing so i was even happier!!!!

Propaganda poster

The Propaganda poster was also a very fun and interesting project to create. i loved the freedom to create the poster about whatever you felt, i also enjoyed the style that the original propaganda posters portrayed. This was one of my favorite projects to create during this class by far. NicoleSmalleyPropaganda.pdf 


The Logos project was quite fun to do. I thought it was fun coming up with different logo ideas for this project. My favorite one to make was definitely 'Brew Bros'. While not my favorite project it was one of the more interesting ones.


Our second project was made in illustrator. I thought this project was quite fun, apologies for uploading the wrong photo. I enjoyed creating this piece and liked the process and found it quite easy.


For my first project done in my Digital Media class was produced in dream weaver, we used different coding and number combinations to create our art work. I enjoyed this project mostly due to how versatile and how we were able to create and express our selves. other then that the actual program Dream Weaver was kind of difficult to use and maneuver for my first time ever opening the program. but over all id say i had fun and enjoy the final product. Even though it does not allow me to upload it heres the link NicoleSmalleyCanvas.html  html